Saturday, February 9, 2008

Happenings at Kerr 135

My home away from home (Barnes 164).

Yup. I still have braces

This is Kayla.
This is me stealing Kayla's glasses.
This is Tessa's pretty hair.

Weggie wars.

Chinese New Year!

Chubby bunny grand championship
She got a little crazed

Esther pointing and laughing at meBrittany puking
Esther puking

Tessa about to puke
frozen tundra


Wawa said...

Reall ymissing the frozen tundra. Oh wait, my flowers are starting to come up.

Debbie Deerwester said... are such a ham! Your pictures brought back my chubbie bunny days from girls camp. You look so skinny girl! I hope you're eating over there. Can't wait to see you soon! Love, Debbie