Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Yeah!!!

So this wednesday was my first day of ANATOMY!!! Woohoooooooo. It wasn't SO bad... it is just kind of hard that its at 8:00 in the morning. This was my first day of notes:

Sarah do you remember all this bone stuff?!

1 comment:

Wawa said...

NOPE!! You don't use it and you lose it!! I remember significant major bones and things that I had funny ways to remember (MetaCARpals- fingers bc you drive a CAR with your fingers and MetaTARsals-toes bc you get stuck in TAR with your feet).

It's all about weird things to help you remember. You just have to get through this section and you'll be on to the next thing. These are all just building blocks. You will get there. If I can do it, then you can certainly do it.

Let me know if there is anything you need help with. I wish I could remember the bones song, because songs make everthing easier to remember for me.
Love ya,
Sarah :)