Saturday, July 12, 2008


So there is this thing called "WHITE GLOVE" we have to do at the end of every semester where we clean the apartment so its spotless. It wasn't so bad last semester... but this time, holy crap.

I started cleaning at around 9:30 or 10:00 after work last night... and I JUST got done. I am now going to bed!!!



Danielle said...

What part did you have to clean?

Wawa said...

oh my goodness. update your blog. oh wait I guess I will see you soon. Have a safe trip!

Brick said...

Use a dark glove. Thats what I do and why our house is soo DIRTY. However I tell everyone its only messy...just to confuse them. Besides, I blame everything on the dog and cats. They never pick up after themselves. I would boot htem but they are the only ones that don't talk back..hint hint